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Paula's Choice SKIN BALANCING Pore-Reducing Toner

Paula's Choice SKIN BALANCING Pore-Reducing Toner

Regular price Rp 450.000,00
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A daily facial toner that balances oily skin, minimizes enlarged pores and provides light hydration.

  • Refreshes and nourishes skin
  • Lightweight fluid formula
  • Use twice daily after cleansing skin
Why is it different?
SKIN BALANCING Pore-Reducing Toner helps balance skin with antioxidants and hydrating ceramides, making oily areas less noticeable and skin more even, smooth, moisturized, and protected. It is an essential step in any skincare routine to renew skin after cleansing. Can also help remove the last traces of makeup.


What does it do?
Antioxidants, soothing plant extracts and niacinamide help tone down oily skin and minimize pore size. Its exceptionally lightweight liquid formula feels weightless on skin but still provides high-quality hydration to diminish dry flaky areas of skin.
How to use

After cleansing, apply toner to a cotton pad and gently stroke over face and neck. Do not rinse. Follow with the rest of your morning or evening skincare routine. For daytime, finish with a broad-spectrum sunscreen rated SPF 30 or greater.

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Paula's Choice SKIN BALANCING Pore-Reducing Toner - INDOSHOPPER
Paula's Choice SKIN BALANCING Pore-Reducing Toner1350
Paula's Choice SKIN BALANCING Pore-Reducing Toner1350
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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Toner yg baik

wajah gue oily & sensitive udahan flek lagi =))
sudah pakai sebenarnya 1tahunan, pertama kali pakai ga ada cekit2 sama sekali, berasa banget lembutnya.

besoknya saya ngaca wajah saya ga merah2 ya biasakan kalo kulit sesnitive gampang merah2 kl ngaca di dekat sinar matahari.

saya pakai ini sebelum exfoliant dan pakai niacinamide 10% NGEBANTUUUUU banget, jadi ga kering pas exfoliasi wajah.
dan sama mbanya disini disuruh pakai SPF biar ga gampang flekan.


1bulan pemakaian ini.
Kulit berasa ga gampang minyakan.
Lebih halus disentuh. Mgkn krn ad niicinamide x y.
Kl jerawat gampang kempes saya kompress pk ini.
Baunya juga ga menyengat.

Lebih berfaedah dr Thayers

Saya pemakai Thayers. Dan di thayers saya ga merasa efek negatif dan positif. Biasa aja ky pakai toner lain. Tp pakai ini berasa berubah banget.... berasa skin goal dapat. Kulit ga kering tapi ga berminyak. Kulit lembut bener pas dipencet2 kenyal. Ga ad rasa ketarik2 kl kering. Stock terus ya

Ada niacinamide

Muka saya oily dan cocok banget sama toner ini. Ga bikin kering dan ternyata ada niacinamide kandungannya. 1minggu pakai berasa halus kulit pas disentuh2. Sumpah ini sih toner lbh bgs